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About Us

Wilkes Christian Fellowship is:

  • An interdenominational college ministry calling students to follow Christ.

  • Scripture driven and culturally engaging

  • "Reaching the Campus . . . Reaching the World."

We exist to help students discover the only answers to their questions that will ultimately satisfy them and prepare them for the realities of this life and the next. Wilkes CF believes these answers are found in the Bible which records the history of God's redemptive plan, culminating in the person of Jesus Christ.

Our aim is not merely to make disciples but to raise effective "disciple-makers". A disciple-maker is a laborer who is committed to becoming more like Jesus and who strives to make every effort to influence the world around him for Christ.

We welcome you to investigate Jesus Christ for yourself.

To learn more about what we do, check out our Core Values. If you're interested in finding out what we believe, take a look at our Basis of Faith.

Wilkes CF is affiliated with DiscipleMakers, a ministry to college students across Pennsylvania.

Any questions, contact Colby Benedict at colby.benedict@dm.org